The Virgil Fox Allen Touring Organ

Philadelphia Inquirer, February 1, 1978

A gamut, indeed, on harpsichord, organ
by Daniel Webster, Inquirer Music Critic

Virgil Fox's recital last night at the Academy of Music promised a "Bach Gamut" through all the keys. It should also have mentioned that his remarkable and distinctive playing would take a listener through a gamut from the sublime to the grotesque.

...This recital was full of sonic thrills and some execution that would be stunning in any setting and on any instrument. Fox plays with the technical aplomb of a giant - and this made this 50th anniversary concert notable. Given a complex landscape of Bach's contrapuntal writing, Fox expands to meet its demands. His feet are especially effective in these things, racing over difficult passages at top speed while his hands are burrowing into the ornamented musical line.

The Marion Star (Ohio), Friday, October 7, 1977

Music Engulfs Palace Audience At Fox Concert
by Joan Steward, Star Staff Writer

...The 65-year old organist is currently celebrating his 50th year of continuous concert touring and now with an organ designed for him issuing the music closest to the full cathedral pipe organ as is electronically possible today.

Fiesta, January 1978


..."This organ produces the kind of tones that can readily be associated with the greatest cathedral organs. It represents in tonal reproduction the sounds of pipe organs of Westminster Abbey or the Mormon Tabernacle," says Fox, who only recently took up residence in Palm Beach.

...The organ was created electronically to meet the rigid specifications of Fox. The construction and design also required the consultation of Jerome Markowitz, probably the greatest thinker and creator in this field of music in the 20th century, according to Fox. And he should know...