St. James Catholic Church, Charles Town, West Virginia
136 Stop Four-Manual Allen Organ

The organ console is situated in the Choir Gallery in the west end of this 1,000-seat nave. It speaks from five different locations throughout the room. The main organ is fronted by two custom-designed pipe façades. A twelve-channel Antiphonal Division supports cantors and soloists at the lectern three hundred feet from the choir loft, sounding from the rear of the chancel. This division also furnishes additional support for congregational singing at large festival services.

Carefully planned acoustics bring music to life in this great room, even with a large congregation present. Congregational singing here has become especially noteworthy.

The Parish of Saint James the Greater's new neo-Gothic building is the largest Catholic church building in the state of West Virginia. This parish of 3,500 supports a graded choir program including eight vocal choirs (Kindergarten to Adult) and two handbell choirs. The Pastoral Associate for Liturgy and Music is assisted by five choir directors and a Sacred Music Intern. The Music Department offers a series of bi-monthly Abendmusik Concerts following the Saturday evening Mass. Future plans include a Conservatory of Music, offering lessons and ensembles within the church complex.