Don Morton has the pleasure of playing three three-manual Allen organs regularly, each with an antiphonal organ and MIDI Division. One is in his church (Hollis Presbyterian Church, Queens, New York), another in the church where he is the regular guest organist for concerts (Corona Congregational Church, Queens, New York), and the third in his home.
Don said, "It's wonderful! The sound is so pleasing. I really enjoy using the MIDI Division. I use the tympani, the Spanish trumpet, and the harp in the 'Seven Last Words of Christ' by Dubois. The congregations really like it, too." With its extensive stoplist of independent stops, Mr. Morton's home organ is larger than many church organs-and he can play the organ year-round in a comfortable and convenient environment. "Not having to go out to church to practice is a big advantage," continues Mr. Morton. "There are no extreme cold or hot temperatures to endure while practicing in churches any more." In addition, there is no time lost in commuting and there is no inconvenience in adjusting to other people's schedules.
One of the options that Mr. Morton chose for his home organ was reverse-colored keys. He adds, "I have traveled in Europe a great deal and played several of the historic and grand cathedral organs in Germany and France. I really liked the look of the reverse-colored keys that I saw there and was amazed to learn that Allen offers this unusual option."