St. Anne's Roman Catholic Church was refurbished in 2007. For a number of years their old electronic organ was only partly working. A number of electronic organs were considered as well as combination pipe-and-digital organs. After visiting the Irish Allen Organ representatives, the church organists made the decision to purchase a new Two-Manual Allen organ finished in custom American White Ash with a matching-finish adjustable-height bench. The church's three organists offer their comments regarding their new Allen:
"At a special Mass last week the organ came into its own. The choir and congregation sang as never before. We attribute
this to the wonderful support from our new Allen organ. I am really enjoying this new experience of the best of organ
- P.M., Organist.
"This instrument has exceeded all our expectations and we look forward to many productive years of organ-based church music
on the new Allen digital organ."
- C.M., B. Mus.
"We are absolutely delighted with the new Allen - compliments are never ending. Our new Allen organ does all that is required
of it in congregational and choral accompaniment and is superb in voluntary playing. Superlatives abound re: the new
- T.O., Organist