A dedicatory service and concert featuring the late well-known arranger, composer, and performing artist Harold DeCou of Peoria, Illinois, was held at Springfield Illinois' Historic Third Presbyterian Church, 1030 North Seventh Street. The church stands on the site of the 150-year old congregation's fourth house of worship. The previous church-including its pipe organ-burned down in 1997. The new sanctuary includes an automated sound and lighting system, which allows the services to be dramatic and clearly audible. But the highlight of their services is their three-manual Renaissance organ. Warren Wilkewitz, pastor of the 800 member congregation, says that the Allen organ "Handles everything we give it. Now and in the future". Scott Brindley, Pastoral Assistant/Worship Leader, adds, "The unique shape of our sanctuary was a concern, but the rebuilding committee is pleased with the results. In my opinion, the services never sounded better." And organist Paul Deffenbaugh commented that "It is a joy to see such a positive response from our congregation every Sunday."