St. John the Evangelist, Jackson, Michigan
37 Stop Two-Manual Allen Organ

In June 2005, discussion began at St. John the Evangelist regarding the failing 17-rank pipe organ (installed in the early 1920s by combining portions of several used, theatre pipe organs). It had become costly "just to keep it playing." Often the piano had to be used for weekend services. After a year of research it was decided that the cost of replacing or rebuilding the pipe organ couldn't be justified.

One of the St. John's organists suggested that the church consider an Allen digital organ. Over the years he had played for several churches that had Allen installations, as well as having his own Allen organ at home for practice. Members of the organ committee met with the sales representative from Evola Music in Canton, Michigan, to discuss their needs and expectations.

A field trip to hear several nearby Allen installations was arranged. After hearing the new Allen instruments and learning that the Allen console could also control the pipe organ - if financial resources ever became available to rebuild portions of the pipe organ - it was decided that a new Allen organ would be a wise move for the parish. St. John has retained the pipe work, knowing that the Allen console could operate the pipes sometime in the future, if desired.

Since the organ's installation many positive comments have been made about its performance. Parishioners especially enjoy the Festival Trumpet stop and the versatility of Quad Suite™ voicing and EAC™ (Expanded Audio Capabilities).